Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After, Child in Need or Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24)
Scope of this chapter
This procedure outlines the immediate steps to be taken in the event of the death of or serious injury to a child living in the community (where there are suspicions of abuse or neglect) and the death of/serious injury to any Looked After Child (whether or not the abuse or neglect is known or suspected).
These steps are in addition to any Rapid Review or Child Safeguarding Practice Review which may be commissioned and the work of the child death overview panel.
This procedure uses the expression Designated Manager (Death or Serious Injury to a Child). This Designated Manager must also be notified in circumstances where there is a serious injury to a child.
Related guidance
- Notifications of Significant Events
- Liverpool Safeguarding Children Procedures, Child Death Procedures
- Merseyside Joint Agency Protocol: Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Childhood
This chapter was amended in July 2024 to update links to external websites. Updates were made in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children. A new Section 3, Death of a Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24 was also added.
All unexpected and unexplained child deaths must be treated initially as a multi-agency safeguarding investigation. Surviving siblings may well be the subject of enquiry under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989 and Liverpool Safeguarding Children Procedures, Child Death Procedures.
Where information about the suspicious death of a child, or serious injury or an Acute Life Threatening Event, (ALTE) of a child, living in the community, procedures described in the Merseyside Joint Agency Protocol: Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Childhood should be followed dependent upon the age of the child.
Local authorities in England must notify the national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel (the Panel) within 5 working days of becoming aware of a serious incident.
Serious incidents which should be reported are those where the local authority knows or suspects that a child has been abused or neglected and:
- The child dies (including suspected suicide) or is seriously harmed in the local authority's area;
- While normally resident in the local authority's area, the child dies or is seriously harmed outside England;
- The process for reporting a serious incident to the Panel via the Child Safeguarding Incident Notification System is set out in the following: Report A Serious Child Safeguarding Incident (GOV.UK). The Panel will share all notifications with Ofsted and the DfE.
The following tasks are also required:
During office hours the child's social worker or, if not previously known to Children's Social Care, the duty worker receiving the information will:
- Immediately inform their line manager;
- Obtain as much information as possible on the circumstances surrounding the cause of death / serious injury and pass this to the line manager.
Outside of Office Hours: The Out of Hours social work Team Manager informs the duty service manager, who will inform the Designated Manager Death of a Child.
The line manager will immediately inform the Designated Manager (Death or Serious Injury to a Child) by telephone and provide follow up information in writing as soon as possible afterwards.
The Designated Manager (Death or Serious Injury to a Child) will:
- Inform the Director of Children's Services, who will notify local authority members as necessary;
- Ascertain details as much as possible from the Police and any other source;
- Request their administrative staff to check Children's Services records on the child and family and print out any information held;
- Collect any files held on the child and family and secure them in the correct office location;
- Arrange to inform relevant agencies about the death/serious injury and remind them to secure their files;
- The Safeguarding Unit Manager or Safeguarding Officer must inform the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel using the child safeguarding notification system. The Panel will share the notification with the Department for Education & Ofsted;
- Arrange to consider the circumstances of the death / serious injury, in accordance with the Merseyside SUDI/SUDC multi-agency protocols contained within the Safeguarding Partnership Procedures. These protocols include the requirement to consider whether the circumstances warrant a referral to the Critical Incident Group as the criteria for a Rapid Review may be met. In circumstances where a child has died the Child Death Overview Panel will be informed by the established process within the hospital;
- The SUDI and SUDC protocols should be followed for ALL sudden unexpected and unexplained deaths and once initiated can only be stood down with the consent of the Coroner that is obtained through the Senior Investigating Officer, Merseyside Police
Where a Child Safeguarding Practice Review is to be held, this must be conducted in accordance with Chapter 4 in Working Together to Safeguard Children and the Safeguarding Partnership Procedures.
The process relating to sudden unexpected and unexplained deaths referred to above applies to all children irrespective of their legal status.
Where information comes to notice of the death of or serious injury to a child in care, the following tasks are required.
During office hours the child's social worker will:
- Immediately inform their line manager;
- Notify the parent(s) immediately and in person, if possible;
- In the event of a child's death, discuss with the parent(s) and reach agreement regarding the arrangements for the funeral (in the event of sudden, unexplained deaths arrangements for the funeral may need to be delayed);
- In the event of a serious injury to the child, arrange with the parent(s) to visit the child in hospital;
- Obtain as much information as possible on the circumstances surrounding the cause of death / serious injury and pass this to their line manager; and
- Discuss with the line manager any necessary expenditure including reasonable travel expenses to assist the family in attending the funeral or visiting the child in hospital where it appears there is financial hardship;
- Where the child was in a long term foster placement, discuss with the line manager any possible conflict between the carers and the parents regarding arrangements for the child's funeral.
Out of hours the Out of Hours social work Team Manager informs the duty service manager, who will inform the Designated Manager Death of a Child.
The line manager will:
- Immediately inform the Designated Manager (Death of a Child) by telephone and provide follow up information in writing as soon as possible afterwards;
- Advise Legal Services initially by telephone, then confirm details in writing; and
- Contact the Insurance Section of the Finance Department, initially by telephone and then in writing.
The Designated Manager (Death or Serious Injury to a Child) will:
- Inform the Director of Children's Services, who will come to a decision about whether to notify the local authority Members;
- Ensure that the parents' wishes concerning the funeral are discussed (by the social worker or the team manager), that any possible conflict with the wishes of the carers are also ascertained and addressed, and that any appropriate associated costs are met;
- Arrange, in consultation with the Safeguarding Manager, appropriate meetings under the Safeguarding Partnership Procedures, including the need to hold a Rapid Review;
- Additionally, whenever a Looked After Child dies, the local authority must inform the national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel within 5 days using the Child Safeguarding Incident Notification System. The Panel, will share all notifications with Ofsted and the DfE. The local authority must also notify the Secretary of State and Ofsted where a Looked After Child has died, whether or not abuse or neglect is known or suspected.
Local authorities should use the Child Safeguarding Incident Notification System. The Panel will share all notifications with Ofsted and the DfE. The report to the Panel is submitted online and the contents entered must be reviewed by the Designated Manager before it is submitted. The form requires a range of information and is set out clearly in sections. Before you start you will need:
- Your sign in;
- Your phone number and email address;
- Name of each child you are notifying;
- Details of the incident.
A copy of the completed form should be saved and printed out for the records.
In urgent situations, the Deputy Director or Director of Children's Services should telephone Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 and then complete the form. E-mail if you have any queries.
In the event of a Child Safeguarding Practice Review being required, the steps outlined in Section 3, Needs of Social Workers / Team / Manager / Carers should be followed.
Working Together to Safeguard Children provides that the local authority should also notify the Secretary of State for Education and Ofsted of the death of a care leaver up to and including the age of 24. This should be notified via the Child Safeguarding Online Notification System. The death of a care leaver does not require a rapid review or local child safeguarding practice review. However, safeguarding partners must consider whether the criteria for a serious incident have been met and respond accordingly, in the event the deceased care leaver was under the age of 18. If local partners think that learning can be gained from the death of a looked after child or care leaver in circumstances where those criteria do not apply, they may wish to undertake a local child safeguarding practice review.
During the implementation of this procedure, consideration must be given to the needs of those staff and carers involved in the case.
The impact of a child death on social workers/team/manager/carer(s) needs to be addressed in terms of:
- The need for counselling for those involved;
- The manner in which such support is offered;
- The provision of access to legal and professional advice about the ongoing conduct of the case;
- The provision of a clear explanation of the process of a Child Safeguarding Practice Review;
- Support for staff in the event of Police investigation/interviews;
- The need to inform and keep informed any relevant Trades Unions;
- The need for team debriefing whilst observing confidentiality. This must be discussed with the Service Manager;
- The need to acknowledge that a child death can impact on the productivity of any team and its ability to function; and the need to agree strategies to manage workloads;
- It is important to note that bereavement support resources are available to any person affected by the death of a child through the Alder Centre in addition to internal support mechanisms. Additionally, the Alder Centre can signpost anybody contacting them to a more appropriate resource should this be necessary.
Last Updated: July 30, 2024