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July 2024

Children's Services Practice Principles

This chapter was amended in July 2024 to include our Children’s Services Practice Principles. Also, revisions were made in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Applications for Special Guardianship Orders

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Notifications of Significant Events

In Juily 2024, this chapter was updated in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children, to note that notifications should also be made of the death of a care leaver up to and including the age of 24.

Delegation of Authority to Foster Carers and Residential Workers

This chapter was added in July 2024.

Visits to Children Supported through a Child Protection Plan

This chapter was amended in July 2024 to update links and reflect changes in expectations regarding frequency of visits to children supported through child protection planning.

Applications for Emergency Protection Orders

This chapter was refreshed in June 2024.

Training and Development of Foster Carers

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Private Fostering

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Safeguarding Children Practice Reviews

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.


This chapter was amended in July 2024.

Permanence Planning Guidance

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Supervision and Support of Foster Carers

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Recording Policy and Guidelines

This chapter was refreshed in June 2024.

Equality and Diversity

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Placements Outside England and Wales

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Out of Area Placements

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Health and Safety

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Placements in Residential Care

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Records for Looked After Children

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Court Reports in Placement Order Applications and Adoption/Special Guardianship Guidance

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Prevention of Homelessness and Provision of Accommodation for 16 and 17 Year Olds who may be Homeless and/or Require Accommodation; and Duty to Refer

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Contact with Parents and Siblings

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Complaints and Representations

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Child Protection Enquiries (Section 47)

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Private Law Proceedings: (Section 7 and 37 Reports to Court)

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Safeguarding Children with Disabilities: Practice Guidance

This chapter was amended in July 2024 to include a link to the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures.

Appointment and Role of Independent Reviewing Officers

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Dispute Resolution and Practice Alert Process

This chapter was updated in July 2024 with a link to the Practice Alert Process Flowchart.

Care and Supervision Proceedings and the Public Law Outline

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Contacts and Referrals

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Advocacy and Independent Visitors

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Stepping Up and Stepping Down Support when Children Need Change

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Assessment Service, Duty, Allocation and Closure

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Kinship Care

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Direct Payments

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Marriage/Civil Partnership of a Looked After Child

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Holidays and School Trips In and Outside the UK

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Staying Put

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Allegations Against Foster Carers

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Relinquished Children

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Early Permanence: Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approval as Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Notifications from Other Local Authorities/Placement Providers

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Placements with Parents

This chapter was updated in July 2024.


This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Ceasing to Look After a Child

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Responsibilities of the Local Authority to Former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Disabled Children's Service

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Placements with Connected Persons

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Confidentiality Policy

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Placements in Other Arrangements

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Supporting the Education and Promoting the Achievement of Children with a Social Worker, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Social Visits (Including Overnight Stays)

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Death or Serious Injury to a Child (Looked After, Child in Need or Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24)

This chapter was amended in July 2024 to update links to external websites. Updates were made in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children. A new Section 3, Death of a Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24 was also added.

Decision to Look After

This chapter was updated in July 2024.

Health Care Assessments and Plans

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Electronic Recording of Meetings and Conversations

This chapter was added in July 2024.

Capacity and Consent

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Leaving Care and Transition

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.

Storage of Data on Mobile Devices

This chapter was added in July 2024.

Placement Planning and Disruption Meetings

This chapter was refreshed in July 2024.